To Rebecca: O_o It's a nice day in Indy? You're lucky. It's in the negative digits over here. And no, it's not a code... I just closed my eyes and let my fingers run wild for a few seconds. It felt lovely.
To Matt: No, that wasn't the answer... 'twas a genuine question. :P
Okay so it's not a code and it's not something I have thought of yet. Is it just your fingers talking? Or is it a trick question from a newspaper or something?
Okay You have me VERY confused. Are you frazzled or something Sam :P?
or is there like a hidden message in it. LOL :P?
*blink* What happened to grammar?
Yes, it's a nice day over here too. Do tell if that's a code, and I'll try to figure it out...
Is that the answer? lol
To Rebecca: O_o It's a nice day in Indy? You're lucky. It's in the negative digits over here. And no, it's not a code... I just closed my eyes and let my fingers run wild for a few seconds. It felt lovely.
To Matt: No, that wasn't the answer... 'twas a genuine question. :P
Okay so it's not a code and it's not something I have thought of yet. Is it just your fingers talking? Or is it a trick question from a newspaper or something?
Okay. dlksfuitueonrjdyhfdiostujewkmrhuedfoitejntuerieowrow to you too! TTYL.
I must still not get the picture, lol. Rebecca must know it. AHHH.
somebody please help me.
AHHH, okay now that you have helped me
kjhaeviof rphf vpoi
have a good one Sam!!
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