I just started working on a lipogram for the fun of it (for those who aren't vocabulary nerds, a lipogram is a piece of writing without the use of a certain letter of the alphabet. Most lipograms don't use the letter E). So, I'm working on a whole short story with not one single E in it. Call me crazy, but it's fun. Half of the time, my first draft sentences are kinky and unreadable, but now that I've been working on it for three days I'm starting to get the hang of it.
The difficult thing: Can you imagine a fantasy story without Es?! That nixes at least half of your setting nouns! Forest, tree, palace, house, hovel, cottage, throne, castle, turret, tower, desert, vale, valley, dale, dell, dance, stone, tunnel, cave, hole.....
Not to mention that there's no "the" allowed.
Hiya Sam, yeah I read the lipogram that you wrote, very amazing, I don't know how you did it, but it was quite impressive. Jeeze 3 days :P. LOL I wish you luck at writing the story. Because you can't write the words, tree, throne, etc...
and don't forget "The End" can't be wrote ;)
LOL - you only read the first half of a page. ;) The rest is harder.
Realistically, it's not the setting words that make it difficult; it's the lack of "the", "after", "later", "before", and anything ending in "-ed".
By the way: when you say "And don't forget "The End" can't be wrote" - "wrote" is past tense form of "write". Thus, as "cannot" is not in the past tense, "wrote" is grammatically incorrect. Correctly, it would be "written".
Good heavens. I don't know how you do it. Good thing you're teaching Matt grammer...maybe you should consider that a career.
I might have to try one of those lipogram things. Except it sounds too much like liposuction.
Liposuction? Ewww. Now I know why I read the word "lipogram" and thought "yuck, that's a nasty-sounding word".
Maybe you could just call the story "E-less?" *grin* That's the title of my file... Eless.
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