Not in Sam's world, anyway. While it seems like all the state universities have a really, really easy week in the week leading up to finals week... my community college is doing the exact opposite. I have two papers to write, a speech to give, a presentation to give... all before finals start on Wednesday. And that's not including all the studying that needs to happen between then and now.
Is anybody else in the same boat, or is it just my community college?
CSU has their so-called "Dead Week", as did IUPUI... they had NOTHING due for the whole week before finals. Honestly... O_o
oh, and by CSU I was referring to Colo state, not Cali...
well i guess my uni has a dead week...but that week ironically falls in the same time as the holidays this year...classes finish the end of this month and finals begin the after the first week of next...
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